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1229 W. 69th St. Kansas City, MO
- $520,000 | 4 Bed, 2.2 Bath
- Romanelli West - LISTED
430 W. 67th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $405,900 | 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Romanelli Gardens - LISTED
5316 W 132nd St. Overland Park, KS
- $395,000 | 4 Bed, 4.1 Bath
- Wynnewood - LISTED
14409 Meadow Ct. Leawood, KS
- $388,000 | 4 Bed, 3 bath
- Camden Woods - LISTED
14609 Mohawk Rd. Leawood, KS
- $374,950 | 4 Bed, 3.2 Bath
- Steeplechase - SOLD
16225 High Dr. Stilwell, KS
- $365,500 | 4 Bed, 4.1 Bath
- River Ridge Farms - SOLD
10408 NW River Hills Dr. Parkville, MO
- $350,000 | 4 bed, 4.1 Bath
- River Hills - SOLD
12222 Ash St. Overland Park, KS
- $340,000 | 3 Bed, 3 Bath
- Hawthorne Place - SOLD
4346 Rockhill Rd. #300, Kansas City, MO
- $330,000 | 2 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Rockhill Condominiums - SOLD
12307 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $320,000 | 3 Bed, 3 Bath
- Timber Trace - LISTED
25 W. Dartmouth Rd. Kansas City, MO
- $300,000 | 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Armour Hills - LISTED/SOLD
113 E. 65th St. Kansas City, MO
- $290,000 | 4 Bed, 3 Bath
- Armour Hills - LISTED
6708 Locust St. Kansas City, MO
- $285,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Armour Hills Gardens - SOLD
11531 Hemlock St. Overland Park, KS
- $285,000 | 4 Bed, 2.2 Bath
- Rolling Woods - SOLD
5637 Oak St. Kansas City, MO
- $280,000 | 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Kingston - SOLD
1240 W. 69th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $280,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Romanelli West - LISTED
8830 Horton St. Overland Park, KS
- $277,000 | 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath
- Round Hill - LISTED
1275 W. 72nd St. Kansas City, MO
- $271,000 | 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Ward Park - SOLD
441 E. 74th St. Kansas City, MO
- $271,000 | 4 Bed, 2.2 Bath
- Rockhill Gardens - SOLD
6034 Brookside Blvd. Kansas City, MO
- $270,500 | 5 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Wornall Homestead - LISTED
21952 W. 121st Terr. Olathe, KS
- $269,950 | 4 Bed, 2.5 Bath
- Grayson Place - SOLD
6632 Grand Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $265,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Armour Hills - SOLD
4019 Warwick Blvd. Kansas City, MO
- $260,000 | 8 Bed, 3.2 Bath
- Union Park/Multi-Family - LISTED
16519 W. 132nd Cir. Olathe, KS
- $249,900 | 4 Bed, 2.2 Bath
- Raintree - SOLD
6649 Oak St. Kansas City, MO
- $249,500 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Armour Hills Gardens - LISTED
8616 W. 90th St. Overland Park, KS
- $225,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Windgates - SOLD
5910 Locust St, Kansas City, MO
- $215,000 | 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Wing & Steen's Place Anx - SOLD
7118 McGee St. Kansas City, MO
- $215,000 | 4 bed, 2 Bath
- Nigros Add - SOLD
1119 W. 75th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $207,600 | 4 bed, 2 Bath
- West Moreland Park - LISTED
2510 Grand Ave. #2701 Kansas City, MO
- $200,000 | 2 Bed, 2 Bath
- San Francisco Tower Condos - LISTED
3330 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $197,500 | 5 Bed, 3.1 Bath
- Hyde Park - SOLD
11628 Kenwood Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $183,500 | 4 Bed, 2 Bath
- Red Bridge - LISTED
6500 Charlotte St. Kansas City MO
- $179,500 | 3 Bed, 1 Bath
- Holmes Gardens - LISTED
6030 Goodman St. Merriam, KS
- $177,750 | 4 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Merriam - SOLD
6012 Charlotte St. Kansas City, MO
- $177,500 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Wing & Steen's Place - LISTED
6221 Rockhill Rd. Kansas City, MO
- $175,500 | 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Troost Avenue Lawn - LISTED
6133 Kenwood Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $175,000 | 3 Bed, 1 Bath
- Astor Place - SOLD
720 E. Gregory Blvd. Kansas City, MO
- $168,000 | 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Gregory Park - SOLD
8826 Benson Dr. Overland Park, KS
- $160,500 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Rancho Santa Fe - SOLD
7218 Grand Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $155,000 | 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Waldo Park - LISTED/SOLD
7620 Grand Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $151,000 | 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Prairie Point Place - LISTED
1501 SE 3rd St. Lee's Summit, MO
- $148,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Blackwell Valley - SOLD
406 NE Crescent St. Lee's Summit, MO
- $145,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Knoll Brook - LISTED
8352 Locust St, Kansas City, MO
- $131,000 | 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Holmes View - LISTED
4742 Mission Rd. Roeland Park, KS
- $125,000 | 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Roeland Park - LISTED
5911 W. 51st St. Mission, KS
- $109,950 | 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Mission Crest - SOLD
9804 E. 77th Terr. Raytown, MO
- $106,000 | 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Southwood Heights - LISTED
333 W Meyer Blvd. #309, Kansas City, MO
- $96,500 | 1 Bed, 1 Bath
- Meyer West Condos - LISTED
301 W. 81st Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $56,500 | 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Broadland - LISTED
122 N. 13th St. Kansas City, KS
- $41,000 | 3 Bed, 1 Bath
- Elevated Road - SOLD
Your Home Address - Kansas City Area
- List or Buy with SRG
- Your Neighborhood - SOLD Soon!
5507 W. 82nd Terr. Prairie Village, KS
- $718,500
- 5 Bed, 4.1 Bath
- Pinecroft
- Single Family - SOLD
1014 W. 68th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $680,000
- 4 Bed, 3.3 Bath
- Romanelli Gardens
- Single Family - LISTED
640 W. 67th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $575,000
- 4 Bed, 2.2 Bath
- Romanelli Gardens
- Single Family - LISTED
15725 Ballentine St. Overland Park, KS
- $524,361
- 4 Bed, 3.2 Bath
- Wilshire by the Lake
- Single Family/New Const. - SOLD
1001 W. 66th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $442,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Meyer Circle
- Single Family - SOLD
3414 W. 92nd Pl. Leawood, KS
- $388,500
- 5 Bed, 4 Bath
- Leawood
- Single Family - LISTED
1226 Arno Rd. Kansas City, MO
- $385,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Romanelli West
- Single Family - LISTED
433 W. 67th St. Kansas City, MO
- $357,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Armour Fields
- Single Family - SOLD
845 W. 71st Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $330,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Ward Park
- Single Family - LISTED
8148 Outlook Ln. Prairie Village, KS
- $330,000
- 4 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Prairie Estates
- Single Family - SOLD
417 W. Dartmouth Rd. Kansas City, MO
- $299,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Romanelli Gardens
- Single Family - LISTED
2330 SW River Trail Rd. Lee’s Summit, MO
- $289,950
- 4 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Eagle Creek
- Single Family/New Const. - SOLD
28 E. Dartmouth Rd. Kansas City, MO
- $284,000
- 4 Bed, 3 Bath
- Armour Hills
- Single Family - LISTED
7112 Jefferson St. Kansas City, MO
- $282,000
- 4 Bed, 2 Bath
- Armour Lawn
- Single Family - LISTED/SOLD
16013 Riggs Rd. Stilwell, KS
- $269,000
- 4 Bed, 3 Bath
- Blue Valley Riding
- Single Family - SOLD
6931 Edgevale Rd. Kansas City, MO
- $260,000
- 4 Bed, 3.1 Bath
- Romanelli Gardens
- Single Family - LISTED
7208 Madison Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $256,950
- 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Ward Park
- Single Family - SOLD
119 W. 68th St. St. Kansas City, MO
- $255,500
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Armour Hills
- Single Family - SOLD
5646 Holmes St. Kansas City, MO
- $253,000
- 4 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Kingston
- Single Family - SOLD
5720 NW Michaels Cove, Parkville, MO
- $236,000
- 4 Bed, 3 Bath
- Walnut Creek Acres
- Single Family - SOLD
234 E. 73rd Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $235,000
- 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Waldo Manor Annex
- Single Family - SOLD
11312 Jefferson St. Kansas City, MO
- $235,000
- 4 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Verona Hills
- Single Family - SOLD
5131 Snowy Egret, Lee’s Summit, MO
- $235,000
- 4 Bed, 3 Bath
- Raintree Lake
- Single Family - SOLD
4423 W. 70th St. Prairie Village, KS
- $231,525
- 4 Bed, 2 Bath
- Prairie Village
- Single Family - SOLD
10006 Oakridge Dr. Overland Park, KS
- $217,250
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Pinehurst
- Single Family - LISTED
7220 Madison Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $213,000
- 3 Bed, 1 Bath
- Ward Park
- Single Family - SOLD
1103 W. 77th Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $195,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Westmoreland Park
- Single Family - LISTED
7801 Jarboe St. Kansas City, MO
- $190,000
- 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Meadow View
- Single Family - LISTED
1100 W. 87th St. Kansas City, MO
- $189,500
- 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Ward Parkway Estates
- Single Family - LISTED
7515 Madison Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $187,787
- 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Meadow Hill
- Single Family - LISTED
8810 W. 94th St. Overland Park, KS
- $158,000
- 3 Bed, 2.1 Bath
- Cherokee Hills
- Single Family - SOLD
5740 Charlotte St. Kansas City, MO
- $156,900
- 3 Bed, 1 Bath
- Rockhill Ridge
- Single Family - LISTED
4529 Holly St. #4 Kansas City, MO
- $137,000
- 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Plaza West II
- Condo/Loft - LISTED
47 W. 73rd Terr. Kansas City, MO
- $124,000
- 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Witmer & Birds
- Single Family - LISTED
433 W. 88th St. Kansas City, MO
- $123,500
- 3 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Wornall Village
- Single Family - LISTED
4215 Charlotte St. Kansas City, MO
- $123,000
- 2 Bed, 1.1 Bath
- Hyde Park
- Single Family - LISTED
7218 Grand Ave. Kansas City, MO
- $119,500
- 2 Bed, 1 Bath
- Waldo Park
- Single Family - SOLD
10876 Bradshaw St. Overland Park, KS
- $95,000
- 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Ouivira Falls
- Single Family - LISTED
8726 Walmer St. Overland Park, KS
- $92,500
- 3 Bed, 2 Bath
- Bordeaux Condominium
- Condo/Loft - SOLD